If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Not Quite Traveling Yet Journal: Meanwhile, Back in Gulfport

2014-06-08_17-32-34 Had to say peace out to my girl before our adventures recollide... Drive safe!! #triouradventure Going in solo... #justkeepswimming #swimming #furtherfasterforever #triouradventure
"Where are you!?"

I'll be where ever you are is what I was thinking... With way too many errands to run, I missed Chris at the house to wish her safe travels. So I met her at the gas station instead! Our summer is full of shenanigans but we start out solo via Denver and Ohio... I had to sadly wish her and the kids off before making my own trip north.

**no, we're not gay. We are friends. We have tons of fun together and adventures apart ~while still fun~ are hard and sad. Why do I even have to say this!? Why do people even ask!?**

With Phil home and plans finally set in concrete we had to have a giant garage sale/go through everything/pack weekend. A few thoughts about our garage sale...
1 - people actually stole from us. How are you going to STEAL from a garage sale!? Stuff is like 25 cents and a dollar.
2 - even though stuff is 25 cents and a dollar, people try to haggle. The 2nd customer of the day... Phil adds up the price on the calculator, "15 dollars." First he tried to argue that he didn't add it right. THEN, he says, "I'll give you 12." DUDE!? It's 15 dollars for a lot of stuff! We are trying to make a LITTLE bit of money!
3 - it's way hard to see your stuff sell for 25 cents and a dollar when you know actual purchase price.
4 - people started showing up at 6:15am (we opened at 7). I didn't even have a bra on!
5 - people don't buy Christmas stuff in June.
6 - friends that show up to say hello or see what ya got is awesome! Loved a few friends stopping by.
7 - leftovers should always be taken to a shelter or goodwill. If it won't fit in your car, put it at the end of your driveway with a "free" sign. It was gone within the hour.
8 - celebrate your success with steak and sweet potatoes :)

Other highlights from the weekend (while Chris travels the great plains and mountain states)...
- Phil broke and fixed the dryer. I was impressed and he insisted that I share that.
- one of my athletes swam 1.2 miles without even knowing it. 2 weeks ago she was doubting herself and questioning her abilities. Your success is also my success. I <3 Coaching! ~can I get that on a bumper sticker?!
- I got 2.38 mile swim in (actually swam in the lake solo ~with a kayaker which is an accomplishment in itself for me!)
- we completed Season 1 of Orange is the New Black and started Season 2. I freaking love this show! Anyone else noticed all the flashbacks in Season 2?
- homemade gluten free pizza happened. Mmmm!

Okay, so not as exciting as fields of traffic, ice, sunflowers and JaRule...but it keeps you in the loop of life back in Gulfport ;)