If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Smashfest Queen


I'm constantly complimented on my tri kits and asked where I get them. It's no secret! Smashfest Queen!! Not only do I love love love the bright colors and girly designs, Hillary Biscay (founder with Michele Landry) is absolutely fantastic!!

Christina actually found the kits (Fast n Loud) and we bought matching sets for Rev3 Cedar Point. I was instantly hooked to the cuteness. As soon as a new kit came (comes) out, I jumped (jump) on it. I'm growing quite the collection (another guilty pleasure??).

You have to check out their website and read about Hillary. She's AMAZING. A top notch triathlete. She's competed in 57 ironman tri's and finished 2nd in the 2010 Ultraman World Championships (6.2 mile swim, 261.4 mile bike, 52.4 mile run - and YES, this race is in my future!!). Her friend and partner Michele has quite the impressive triathlon resume as well.

I was lucky enough to meet Hillary in Idaho this year and hang out with her for a little bit. She is the sweetest lady EVER! She's full of enthusiasm and passion for our sport. She's super humble about her abilities and so encouraging! She loves coaching just like me :)

Before I even met her, I always received HAND WRITTEN notes with my order thanking me for the purchase. Now I feel like we are BFF's!! She writes a note with each purchase and now they're PERSONALIZED! She remembers me from Cd'A!!! Can you say star struck!! ;) hee hee. She truly is a beautiful person.

So anyway, I wanted you to know a little bit more about my tri kits and Smashfest Queen. They are absolutely FANTASTIC and ADORABLE!!

  Got her done!! #HoD #triathletesarecrazy #triathlonbuzz #proudcoach @smashfestqueen #smashfestqueen

#sunfishtri #triouradventure #smashfestqueen @smashfestqueen #triathletesarecrazy #triathlonbuzz


Hanging with Hillary with #smashfestqueen #triouradventure