14 Weeks to Ironman Arizona

It's no secret this time, I am training for Ironman Arizona, it's in FULL swing...and
Each week (Monday's!), I'm going to share with you my training and what it takes to get to an Ironman (at 14 weeks out)... This is partially for your entertainment, partially for my tracking, and partially for accountability. I'm not scared to give it everything I've got to make you proud!!
Sunday August 3: Ironman Boulder Spectator. Got me ALL fired up for my next Ironman.
Monday: Ironman awards. Very impressive. Ironman volunteers. Amazing. Traveled from Colorado to Mississippi. Lots of reflection in the airport. Brought myself back to ME.
Tuesday: Can I get back to some training now!? Hit 60 hard minutes on the trainer.
Wednesday: 12 mile run. Super hot. Tough run. Took a little over 2 hours. 2000 yard swim that afternoon. Took everything I had to get to 2000. The 12 miles in the heat really took a toll.
Thursday: 1 hour and 30 minute bike with Trish followed by a 20 minute run.
Friday: worked at RNT all day. 60 minute run - just over 7 miles.
Saturday: worked at RNT all day, timed a 5k at RNT that evening.
Sunday: 3 hour bike ride with 56 miles - didn't eat enough for breakfast but didn't bonk. Nice overcast day, NO wind. That NEEDED to be in writing. NO WIND! :)
Overall: I don't feel like I did a lot of mileage this week but it was certainly a busy week! I have a ton of swims to get in next week. HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!!