7 Days of Writing for Me: The People You Most Admire
The people I most admire...
The ones that stick up for the little guy.
The ones that don't have to say ugly things about other people
(to make themselves feel better or otherwise)
The ones that are actual friends to their friends.
The ones that encourage, uplift, and cheer for others.
The ones that are inspiring.
The ones that get out of their comfort zones.
The ones that aren't afraid of failing.
The ones that can laugh at themselves.
The ones that see the good in others.
The ones that genuinely want to see the world a healthier place.
The ones that aren't afraid to be a little bit crazy.
The ones that dance.
The ones that laugh.
The ones that love deep. Feel deep. And aren't afraid to tell you.
The ones that turn excuses into reasons.
The ones that are confident.
The ones that feel beautiful.
The ones that work hard and in turn play hard.
The ones that are true to their religion.
The ones that accept others for who they are.
The ones that can keep their cool.
The ones that can lead AND follow.
The ones with new ideas and challenges.
The ones that go against the norm.
The ones that are PASSIONATE.
The ones that are determined to be the change they wish to see.
Yeah ^ these are the people I admire the most.
I know, it's a little unconventional, did you want me to pick ACTUAL people? Okay okay...
My momma. She's just pure amazing.
Phil. Again with the amazing and add patient. Patience of a Saint.
Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Steve Jobs, and Henry Ford. All outside of the box thinkers.
Really, my list could go on and on. Who do you admire most?