If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

3 Weeks to Ironman Arizona

Boom. #accountability #imarizona #imaz #trainhard #ilovetoridemybicycle #triouradventure #triathletesarecrazy
6 hours / 105 miles
Monday, October 20, 2014: I made up my 6 hour bike from yesterday. 105 miles. Good stuff right there! I feel ready on the bike for sure. I thought I ate enough on the bike (pre: 2 toaster waffles plain, 3 turkey sausage links, during: 1 waffle (1/2 and 1/2), 1 eGel (1/2 and 1/2), 1 Gu, pack of pb crackers) but it wasn't enough. I was very confused and LOW on calories. I was nervous to even drive home. The closest relief was a medium fry from McDonald's. Salty nourishment. <---fast food confession.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014: spent the morning at the shop and ran a nice 60 minutes after. 3 min surges every 20 minutes. I love a good solid run!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014: a busy morning but managed to grab a short ride. 60 minutes of hills. We'll call them repeats. The worst part of the day, dropping my Jakey baby off at the Dawg House :( for the best part...headed to Austin, Texas with my friend Trish for her first 70.3!!!
YourPhoto_0028 Thursday, October 23, 2014: today was a little different... Even though I had a workout to get in, after my day, I didn't NEED any other workout. We took a zipline adventure. And since we're in Texas...everything here is BIGGER! Read all about it HERE!
bartonsprings1 Friday, October 24, 2014: got a short swim in at Barton Springs. This place is gorgeous! I could have swam here ALL day. It's a man-made pool filled with water from a natural spring. So yes, it's cold. But there's vegetation and life in it. But it's crystal clear. Beautiful fresh water. I wish I could have swam at least 2 miles but had to go take care of some business.
Saturday, October 25, 2014: biked the Austin 70.3 course. 56 miles + 4 more. A beautiful course! Very scenic, rolling hills, got to fight a little bit of wind. And just really enjoyed the chance to bike this course. And super glad it was well marked cause I had no idea where I was! Ha ha! Got an 18 minute run in off the bike.

Sunday, October 26, 2014: sherpa duty at Austin 70.3 today! Couldn't be more proud of my friends and their amazing finishes. I didn't swim bike or run but I ran and ran and ran all day long!! I'm pooped!!

I didn't get the best mileage in this week which is kind of disappointing but a "recovery" week certainly didn't hurt. I ready to hammer out these last 3 weeks of serious, intense, FOCUSED training.

Swim: 1mile (ugh! Need a couple of 2 mile swims QUICK!)
Bike: 60 + 18 + 105 - okay, so the bike mileage was decent. Forgot about that 105 on Monday!
Run: 6 + hiking + sherpa duty running (feeling solid anyway)