If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Weekly Accountability


Monday, Jan 5, 2015: tried to get my 16 mile run in all day. I just couldn't find my motivation. I ended up with a good 3 mile fun run. More proof - I can't always find mine either. I have to know that it will come. Shared a colorful night with great friends though (Wilson pictured above!!) and enjoyed the 3 miles.

Tuesday, Jan 6, 2015: an hour at Planet Fitness with an athlete. 15 minutes on the elliptical. 15 minutes on the cybex machine. 30 minutes of calisthenics. 30 more minutes on the treadmill doing sprints. And 30 more minutes of calisthenics. A quick nap. Food. And headed to Kansas. Drove 5 hours and rested near Memphis, TN.

Wednesday, Jan 7, 2015: a long long day driving. Very windy. I feel like I got an upper body workout!

Thursday, Jan 8, 2015: 55mins on the bike trainer, 18 miles. Squats, lunges, jumping jacks, house hunting, and truck hunting. More Kansas cold!! Also spoiled myself with a hotel room, giant tub, bottle of wine, and pizza pizza.


Friday, Jan 9, 2015: FOUND Phil a truck! Woohoo! Also got 2 hours in on the bike trainer (see above, great workout!!). 38 miles. Phew!! Picking Phil up from the airport tonight!

Saturday, Jan 10, 2015: FOUND Phil a place to live! Woohoo! Unfortunately though, I didn't get any workouts in. But tomorrow it's happening in the pool, on the treadmill, and a sic calisthenics workout!!

Sunday, Jan 11, 2015: 60 minutes on the treadmill, 6 miles. Had full intention of running 2:30 but got a call from our hotel that we had to move out of our room. AHH!!! By the time all was said and done I ran out of time. This long run is going to be the death of me to get done!! Travels to MO tomorrow...

I'm not impressed with this week of training. I'm supposed to be training DURING traveling. Ahh! Mad at myself. But tomorrow is a new day, a new week, clean slate. It's gotta happen my friends! It's GOING to happen!