Polar Bear Plunge and 2015 Resolutions

The Polar Bear Plunge is a tradition!
New Year's resolutions are a tradition!
We plunged into 50 something degree water. It was cold. It was CrAzY! And it was fun!!
Check out some of my favorite shots below. Talk about a CLEAN FRESH start to 2015!!
Thank you Run-N-Tri Company and WUT SUP Paddleboard for the fun!
While plunging, I asked a few friends what they are resolving for the new year. Here is our list of resolutions compiled.
Happy New Year Tri Our Adventure friends, fans, and family!
More connections with people.
Learn new things; TRI new things!
Take more pictures. <--- seems doable, right ;)
Be around good energy. GOOD energy!
Don't be so hard on myself. Chill out homegirl.
"Not to drink Coke Zero"
"No more feeling like I need to apologize or call myself slow in regards to my workouts. I put in the work just as faster people do. I'm not letting any of that in my head this year!"
"Get back into marathon shape."
"to be me"
"Finish last years resolutions."
"More of the same."
"Complete two triathlons."
"Quit drinking beer. Damn. Failed."
"Lose 30lbs."
"Finish remodeling my house."
"More adventures!" <--- I totally invited her on mine!
"Eat more king cake."
"Help her ^ eat king cake."
"No more stressing."
"Be around for my family. Be a better person and father. Faster 5k."
"Stay busy."
"Stay healthy."

They are friends, they are family:

Cheers to you my friends! To your resolutions and to your new year!! <3 <3 Thank you for being a part of my life!!