My Best Friend

Okay, so our marriage might not have worked, but this guy, THIS GUY!, he's my best friend!
I love how "cool" we can be. I love how he supports every adventure spinning in my brain. I love how he can just shake his head at me and laugh when I go from content to crayyy to gangsta to negotiator (and find salsa in my hair, while spilling margarita down my shirt).
*Priceline Negotiator* <--- don't act like you didn't sing it in your head when you read negotiator...
*Priceline Negotiator* <--- don't act like you didn't sing it in your head when you read negotiator...
Our relationship. Phil said, "Insert Mission Impossible music." Ha! See, he's so right here on my level.
So I picked him up (finally, after several cancelled flights) last night at the Manhattan, Kansas airport. What a hot mess that place is! Just kinda park in the gravel parking lot and good luck finding your arriving passenger... In their defense, it looks like maybe they're doing some construction, upgrades? The bad news... Phil arrived without his stuff. They took his bags OFF the plane for weight issues. Way to pack light, Phil. Not just his, a couple of peoples. Anyway, I'm not hating, safety first when it comes to a very large heavy object flying through the air but, "I've been wearing the same clothes for TWO DAYS!!"
I shrug it off, don't worry Phil, we'll hit Walmart for some sleepy clothes. We got this! p.s. I totally had to put his "two days" clothes in a bag. Tied. Tight. Phew!
Today's goal: find a house!! Up and at em', stuffed full of hotel insta-waffles and...omelets??? "They're crunchy." Oh Lord. Ha ha! We looked at a few houses. #1: what is that smell? Cats!? Oh my gosh, YES, cats!! AHHH, runnnn! (that smell was stuck in our nose for hours!). #2: an option. #3: oh MY GOD, holy scary!! For one, it was way too much house for just Phil. But two, it had a basement. A super scary <maze> of a basement. That place was so definitely haunted!! Ha ha ha!! And recently discounted. Oh yeah, haunted! I would have gotten a call at 3am, "Lisa, I hear something coming from the basement." Ahhh, I get goosebumps thinking about it. We ran! Literally, up the stairs and out the door!!
House finding not going so swell. I had seen some beautiful apartments on top of a hill yesterday, so let's check them out, I bet it's a huge military community. SCORE!!! They are great! They have storage options, and a fitness center, and a pool, and a hot tub, and close to post, and PERFECT! Sign us up! 9 month lease, we are your slaves!
48 hours and Phil has a new ride and place to lay his head (pending household goods delivery). So let's PLAY!! Yes, let's check out Junction City and Manhattan, Kansas. Only one problem, there's NOTHING in Junction City or Manhattan, Kansas. Seriously. Nothing. Wait, there's a hill with giant letters spelling MANHATTAN. I MUST get to the top of that hill, turn right, turn left, turn right, up there, GO!!! It was cool up there! Trails, the entire city below all quaint and cute and full of nothing. Jake loved it. Pictures. A huge concrete pad - ummm, WTH is this here for!? For real, it was maybe a foundation of something from the past? A helicopter landing pad!? We don't even know. Curious... Exploration! That lasted about an hour. Ha! Back to civility for some cold beers and dinner.

I can't be happier that Phil is back in the United States. It's great to just be able to call or text at our convenience. As a matter of fact, while in GAP in the mall, he called. Jesus Phil, I'm at the FRONT of the store. Shaking my head... (Phil said, "Well, I was holding your dressing room and you were taking forever!"). <--- see, we're totally best friends *hearts*
I shrug it off, don't worry Phil, we'll hit Walmart for some sleepy clothes. We got this! p.s. I totally had to put his "two days" clothes in a bag. Tied. Tight. Phew!
Today's goal: find a house!! Up and at em', stuffed full of hotel insta-waffles and...omelets??? "They're crunchy." Oh Lord. Ha ha! We looked at a few houses. #1: what is that smell? Cats!? Oh my gosh, YES, cats!! AHHH, runnnn! (that smell was stuck in our nose for hours!). #2: an option. #3: oh MY GOD, holy scary!! For one, it was way too much house for just Phil. But two, it had a basement. A super scary <maze> of a basement. That place was so definitely haunted!! Ha ha ha!! And recently discounted. Oh yeah, haunted! I would have gotten a call at 3am, "Lisa, I hear something coming from the basement." Ahhh, I get goosebumps thinking about it. We ran! Literally, up the stairs and out the door!!
House finding not going so swell. I had seen some beautiful apartments on top of a hill yesterday, so let's check them out, I bet it's a huge military community. SCORE!!! They are great! They have storage options, and a fitness center, and a pool, and a hot tub, and close to post, and PERFECT! Sign us up! 9 month lease, we are your slaves!
48 hours and Phil has a new ride and place to lay his head (pending household goods delivery). So let's PLAY!! Yes, let's check out Junction City and Manhattan, Kansas. Only one problem, there's NOTHING in Junction City or Manhattan, Kansas. Seriously. Nothing. Wait, there's a hill with giant letters spelling MANHATTAN. I MUST get to the top of that hill, turn right, turn left, turn right, up there, GO!!! It was cool up there! Trails, the entire city below all quaint and cute and full of nothing. Jake loved it. Pictures. A huge concrete pad - ummm, WTH is this here for!? For real, it was maybe a foundation of something from the past? A helicopter landing pad!? We don't even know. Curious... Exploration! That lasted about an hour. Ha! Back to civility for some cold beers and dinner.

I can't be happier that Phil is back in the United States. It's great to just be able to call or text at our convenience. As a matter of fact, while in GAP in the mall, he called. Jesus Phil, I'm at the FRONT of the store. Shaking my head... (Phil said, "Well, I was holding your dressing room and you were taking forever!"). <--- see, we're totally best friends *hearts*