Rolled Relaxed and Caught Up
Why do I feel like I need to be balls to the wall all the time!?
Obsessive? Dedicated? Insane?
Call it what you will, but days off feel like eternity ~I always know I need it, but during it, I feel fat and lazy. Yet after it, I always feel well rested and ready to hit again...
I feel like this is yet another mental battle in the world of Ironman (triathlon training in general).
When I feel good and strong I want to go and go and go! Let's ride 500 miles a week! Let's go swim the English Channel! Let's go run a marathon every weekend!
Slow down there wonder woman...
Eat a cookie or something.
^^ This ^^ is called TRAINING SMART (the taking recovery days even when you feel good and strong part, not the eating cookies part...).
I don't know friends, this is what's on my mind tonight as I'm rolled, relaxed, feet kicked up, and watching Gossip Girl ~don't judge ;)
I hope you're taking advantage of your rest & recovery days too even if they make you feel a little cuckoo (oh the irony that REST is what makes me feel crazy ;)