3 Pretty Girls and 3 Ugly Dresses

We have an idea but you have to be ALL IN before we tell you what it is...
As if my shenanigans haven't been enough for Amanda over the years, now we're a tag team. Ha!!
2 ~ the dress has to be the ugliest dress you've ever seen
3 ~ the dress has to be body flattering
4 ~ the dress has to be under $20.00

Amanda's finds were quick and easy. She's tall and thin; most dresses are flattering for her figure.
And SO many ugly ones to choose from!! "I can't believe you're making me do this."
Amber was a bit more difficult, well, because she was blessed with breasts...

But we made some serious ugly choices. And spent the next 90 minutes LAUGHING hysterically in the dressing room.

^ what is even happening here!? And who has white go go boots to match!?
I wasn't as difficult as Amber, but definitely more difficult than Amanda. Basically because every "ugly" dress they picked up, I'd actually wear!! Hey!! I like to be different!! *laughing*

^ Fail. Designer dress FAIL.

We agreed that Amanda looked great in this one ^ She wasn't having it. "No. Just no."
But your booty looks so cutey!!

And how about floral meets prison stripes!? Who designs this stuff!? And who wears this stuff!?
I was seriously imprisoned in this dress for a few freak out moments ~ get it off, get it off!!

While this was doing nothing for Amber's figure, we all agreed it was the WORST ugliest dress ever *face palm*
I'd like to see the woman that it looks amazing on. If you can pull off a full neon'ish green button up shirt dress, you win all over the place!!

Do NOT make me wear horizontal stripes. Horizontal stripes are the WORST ever. They don't look good on anyone! I don't care what you say, throw away ALL of your horizontal stripe clothes RIGHT NOW!! And what's up with the gold zipper down the chest!? Damn it, it looked the best worst on me.

Hawaiin moo moo ?? EEK! No!

Mustard pleats. *eyes wide*

Do the sleeves have elastic!? YES, WINNER!! Amanda's face says WIN all over it!!
This one is a must. A set of pearls and you are headed to Bible study...

1970's drapes turned dress.
Is this the one that Amber came busting out of the room, head back, hair caught in the zipper, screaming for help!? BAhahahahahahahaha!

We don't even understand this one. It gave my zigs zags and my zags zigs. I'm dizzy looking at it. And definitely got stuck in it a little bit.
This went on for 3 more rounds ~ Amanda won the first round, I won the second round, and Amber settled in the third round.
None of us are actually winners.
But the winning dresses are... Drum roll please...

Elastic sleeves, horizontal stripes, and the one winged peacock.
3 pretty girls and 3 ugly dresses.
The crowd went wild, the Ross employees cheered...
They didn't. Okay, they sort of did.
They probably just wanted us and all our laughter out of the store...
Thank you Ross security guard for the photo shoot. Hee hee.
We headed out for a Cinco de Mayo celebration.
The next time you're planning a girls night out, a bachelorette party, or just want to laugh and have some fun with your chicks... this is a MUST PLAY GAME!! Hit up your nearest Ross (or TJMaxx??) and get shopping. You can make up as many rules as you want!
Next time WE are doing prom dresses. Or business suits.
So many ugly clothes to choose from *excitement dance dance laugh party* !!!!