If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Shoes, Triathletes, Fruit Trays, and Moonshine

An assortment of situations and characters. A mishmash of people and places I love.
Organized chaos.
The shop: the estrogen levels soared at the shop with a mix of us girls from age 17 to 34. It made the day fun and girly with plenty of opinions and advice to go around. It also left us in a constant battle with the heat.
"I'm freezing."
"I'm sweating!"
"Both of you shut up!"
What's so shocking about this group of girls is not how different we all are (because that's obvious) but how SIMILAR we are. And I love these girls like little sisters I never had.
Triathlete club Christmas party: a rare chance to look cute with hair did and makeup on amongst a group of friends that typically see one another covered in sweat, snot, and lycra. A few of our members worked super hard to make the party happen - SHOUT OUT! Welcoming us into their home, creating a number of awards for our accomplishments, and taking the time to appreciate our tri community. It really makes me proud to do what I do and where I do it. This team has grown significantly and from Ironman to sprint distance and "just finished" to championship qualifier, we have some of the hardest working dedicated athletes I've ever met. I'm also pumped to accept "Most Ironman Triathlons Done 2014"!!

Spontaneously, "hey, come to this party with me real quick." Okay! Off we go to the White House in Biloxi. Shmancy!! Suddenly I'm surrounded by suits and heels, white napkins, and waiters with fruit trays. A few familiar faces, a lot of new introductions, and a little bit of Gorau Glas <--- really expensive cheese. But this can't last long, I'm yawning...

Head north!

A 45 minute drive into the depths of Stone County. Pick up trucks, smoke billowing from a bonfire, boots, rowdy country folk, and the band is playing Lynyrd Skynyrd. Best damn deer sausage I've had in ages! "Here, try this." A Jack Daniels bottle full of "homemade wine". Oh Lord... I don't know how, but tastes like Doritos. Oh hey, if you're driving around Stone County and spot a pig running loose with a blinky necklace on, he comes to the name Bacon and his owner misses him...

A pig with a blinky light on? Okay, night is officially complete.

It was a DANG full day. And I'm exhausted (with a 2 hour bike and 30 minute run in front of me). But the memories created, was so worth it. I can't help but swoon over the amazing people in my life that make my adventures exciting!
Get out of your house, get out of your comfort zone... don't be afraid to meet some people and do some things. I'm living my friends, living fearlessly, and I hope you choose to do the same.