WILD : May Book Club

Book club? Please! Why not?
I am a LOVER of books. I have lost myself in one too many novels, and if there is a subject that comes up that I am not somewhat informed on, you bet your bottom dollar my bum either runs to Barnes & Noble or online to Amazon to secure reading material.
Please join us on our FIRST book club pick: Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (Vintage)
I originally came across this book last year while stranded at the Denver airport in the summer of 2013. It looked rough, and hiking the Appalachian Trail is on my bucket list (though she hikes the Pacific Crest Trail), so I thought it might be mandatory reading for my future hiking adventure.
Though I have had this book for a year, I have NOT completed it.
Why? The lady is crazy. You start the book and realize this lady has so many mental issues, and that there is no way in hell she came out of this trek mentally stable. But apparently she did, and they are now making a movie about this memoir, starring Reese Witherspoon. We are thinking a "Sushi & Movie Night" for that…
Its a great book for discussion, and it makes you face how screwed up people can be, and how deep the rabbit hole someone can go, BUT can come out and grow from the experience.
Amazon Review:
"At age 26, following the death of her mother, divorce, and a run of reckless behavior, Cheryl Strayed found herself alone near the foot of the Pacific Crest Trail--inexperienced, over-equipped, and desperate to reclaim her life. Wild tracks Strayed's personal journey on the PCT through California and Oregon, as she comes to terms with devastating loss and her unpredictable reactions to it. While readers looking for adventure or a naturalist's perspective may be distracted by the emotional odyssey at the core of the story, Wild vividly describes the grueling life of the long-distance hiker, the ubiquitous perils of the PCT, and its peculiar community of wanderers. Others may find her unsympathetic--just one victim of her own questionable choices. But Strayed doesn't want sympathy, and her confident prose stands on its own, deftly pulling both threads into a story that inhabits a unique riparian zone between wilderness tale and personal-redemption memoir. --Jon Foro"
Hit up your local library, Amazon or local bookstore for your copy. We will discuss (via comments) the book at the end of May. Also if you are on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, let us know if you would be interested on a MOVIE NIGHT once the movie releases.