5 & 14 Weekly Accountability

Wow, we are really moving right along! Week 5 to Puerto Rico 70.3 is GONE! Holy moly, I'm racing in 4 weeks. This training cycle has been SO different. Very mild. It's almost like maintenance training. And so much weight training. I hope my change of pace (so to speak) is advantageous to my 70.3. It's a "vacation tri" but secretly, I hope I break 6 hours. By more than 5 minutes! It's gonna be windy and hot. I love it!! Bring it on! And whoa... 13 weeks of training left for Ironman Texas. Again, training has been mild. After PR 70.3 I'm going to change it up a bit. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing but during long training days, gonna add lots of tempo work. I really need to break my 13 hours. I like experimenting on myself, I feel like it's giving me so much for my Coaching.
Mon, Feb 9, 2015: early morning fitting Air Force Special Ops guys <--- I'm not complaining!! ;) 25 minutes, 3.5 mile run this evening. Good run!! No knee pain. Fast and strong. Weight training.
Tues, Feb 10, 2015: 15 minutes of weights (back and bi's - balanced), 45 minute spin class, 10 mins on the stair climber. Today is a two'sie... Hit Planet Fitness with an athlete for 20 minutes on the elliptical followed by shoulders, abs, and squats. Lots of squats.
Weds, Feb 11, 2015: 2,500m swim in less than an hour. Met up with an athlete for a 2 mile run/walk and squat workout. And then later in the evening, 40 minutes elliptical + 30 minutes weights and calisthenics.
Thurs, Feb 12, 2015: 1:15 hour bike ride: 20 miles + 22 minute 2.5 run + 1,500 meter swim. A good fun backwards'ish tri :D
Fri, Feb 13, 2015: It's Friday the 13th!! I'm at the shop all day. Working hard for the money money.

Sat, Feb 14, 2015: a 2.5 hour ride. 45 miles + 10min hard/easy brick run. Fast bike. Super windy (as usual) Mmm, get some! Happy Valentine's Day!! Night out with my girl...
Sun, Feb 15, 2015: I was out way too late last night so definitely bailed on my 10 mile run. But, it's happening first thing in the morning!!