Travels to Ironman Arizona
Since I've been giving you weekly updates of my training and journey to Ironman Arizona, I figure I can't stop there. So now I'm here! But there's a whole lot of adventure in between my final days of training and getting here...
First, in case you missed it, I had to be out of my house by Tuesday (I sold it). But the only day I had extra help was Sunday. So my goal was to just get everything out and done Sunday and then a final walk through Monday. It worked! But not without strife. I ended up in the ER with a mild concussion (which isn't as bad as it sounds, read that fun here). But the fact that I have (at the time) an Ironman in a week, GOOD GRIEF! Good news is, today, Thursday, I'm feeling fine *big smiles*
So Sunday night was spent on the hardwood floor of my very empty house. Whatever, I was so tired it didn't matter. Monday and Tuesday were a bit more ideal at the Hilton. The goal was stress free, rest n' relax. Solid.
Pretty chaos free airport experience this time. I feel like the last few times have been kinda VIP'ish. Maybe they're just hiring better staff? Everyone was super nice and helpful and things went surprisingly quick. Please picture me with a bike box, a rolling suitcase, a backpack, a laptop bag with a helmet connected to it, and a 70 pound chocolate lab. Ha!
For some bizarre reason, they flew us to Charlotte, NC first. Gotta go east to go west? Seems like an inefficient use of resources to me but *shrug* I met the Wisconsin sisters ~Sarah and Katie!!!
Super sweet girls that kept Jake and I distracted a majority of the flight. AND, they live only 45 minutes from Madison. <--- I'm doing Ironman Wisconsin in 2016!!! So of course I was like, YAY, be my friend!!! I hope you're reading girls, it was so fun meeting you! Thanks for listening to my adventures and guess what I googled...CHEESE CURDS. Ha ha ha ha ha!!
Upon arrival in NC, guess who I ran into?? CHRISTINA!! No kidding, we're on the same flight to Phoenix. Apparently in Florida they make you go east first too. We had a nice long 4 hour chat, making up, catching up, tearing up, cutting up. I missed my best friend. She brought me a Princess Voodoo Doll. Score!
Arriving to Arizona:
all bags arrived ~bike undamaged
Jake pooped in baggage claim ~yep, right there in the middle of the floor
filled the bellies with sushi
set up shop in the garage
Today is packet pickup and Ironman preparations...