If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Ironman Signs, Shirts, Characters, and Rules

One of our favorite things out there on the course are the often hilarious signs we see...
Trish did me an awesome favor of taking pictures of our favorites. And from memory, here they are from Ironman Arizona 2014:
"Chuck Norris never did an Ironman" <--- my favorite!
"Smile if you peed in your wetsuit"
"Sore legs are sexy legs"
"Never trust a fart"
"If you're still married, you didn't train hard enough"
"Run like someone called you a jogger"
"You look hot when you sweat"
"Seems like a lot of work for a free banana" <--- can I change this to "...for cold pizza" ??
"Nobody likes an early finisher"
"Don't suck"
"May the course be with you"
"Run like you're at the start of Hunger Games"
"It was hard getting up at 4am to make this sign too"
"If an Ironman was easy, it'd be called YO MOMMA"

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We also love all the characters on the course:
^^ my favorite character, it was a little breezy out there, aa ha!!
20141116_193202<--- course rockstar20141116_164631-1-1

^ these two were dancing and having fun and playing on the run course. They were fantastic!
There was also a water station FULL of super heroes. They were GREAT!

T-shirts are always fun too:
"You call THIS a vacation!?"
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Rules (okay, maybe just my pet peeves):
No, it's not "IronWoman", "IronGirl", or anything other than IRONMAN. No (as women), we are not offended by being called Ironman. We realize we are not man, but the title of an Ironman 140.6 is an IRONMAN finisher.

It's never Ironmen. You haven't done 3 Ironmen, you've done 3 Ironman.
It's kind of like deer. There is one deer or 6 deer. IRONMAN. We are all IRONMAN at the finish line.

Thank you for listening :D