2 Weeks to Ironman Arizona

Tuesday, October 28, 2014: finished the drive home, picked up Jake, unpacked, and rested!! A long drive really takes it out of ya! I put my bike on the trainer and got ready for a 1:15 bike ride when I remembered that she got injured in Austin! The crank is clunking. Oh no! She needs to see a doc ASAP!! So I'm taking her in tomorrow... I feel lazy :/

Wednesday, October 29, 2014: shot in the butt, bike's in the shop, 2.485 mile swim in the books. Boom!

Thursday, October 30, 2014: 3 hour bike ride and 1 hour run. My bike was slow - windy :/ but my run was SOLID. Satisfied with 56 miles and 5.6 miles. Bike and run ^^ ha ha, get it. Nice pic, right!?

Friday, October 31, 2014: I ain't afraid of no ghost! Happy Halloween! Headed to Slidell to work at the shop over there. I really need to get another swim in before the weekend but I might run out of time today :/ It's okay to have a rest day. Especially when you're tired. And Saturday and Sunday are going to be filled with some solid hours.
Saturday, November 1, 2014: timed a cross country meet this morning. Very exciting and what a brain workout! A chilly chilly morning on the coast today. We are in the 50's. WHAT!? I'm not ready for any kind of cold. ICK! But I did get a solid 2 hour run in - 12 miles. Actually grabbed Jake for the last 2 miles and ran on the trail behind my house. Spent the rest of the day packing up my life.
Sunday, November 2, 2014: I took an optional rest day. It was COLD this morning. It's still cold. I haven't changed out of my pi's all day. I did continue to pack my house though and pack for Arizona. And tons of play time with Jake.
A lighter week headed into taper... (okay I probably got a little too lazy this week but for real, I was tired!). Next week, while still tapering, I'll hit some SOLID mileage and work on race specific/speed stuff. Let's do this!
Swim: 2.5 miles
Bike: 56 miles
Run: 26 miles