MARCH into Adventures...

Holy moly February blew by but I'm kind of glad!! a) I'm looking forward to spring and some HOT weather. This cold crap has got to go! I'm not kidding, I'm over it! It's depressing. No way could I go north again. b) Puerto Rico is THIS month!!
I got a lot done in February, but no crazy exciting adventures. March though... MARCH...
I'm headed to Puerto Rico with friends Amanda and Jason for a 70.3 in less than 2 weeks. We are already making plans to zip line through the rainforest, parasail, kayak, and visit everything we can while there. Race, what race!? Ha ha!! I absolutely love destination races! Although, shopping for swimsuits yesterday, we ended up depressed with Blue Moons in our hands. I think I'll parade the beaches of Puerto Rico in a moo moo.
There's a lot more happening in March too!
Some of my favorite businesses on the coast will be sponsoring Monday fun runs at the shop. There is also a cool race pretty much every weekend in March - Leprachaun Du, St. Patrick's Day 5k, Azalea Trail Run... and, Fit for Ag 5k/10k in Wiggins which is a MUST do race. Seriously cool prizes for winners.
Even with Puerto Rico in sight, I'm always up for a spontaneous adventure. A day trip, an overnighter, or even a couple hours. Just shoot me a message, and let's do something CrAzY!!!