Accountability: 21 Weeks

Mon. Jan 4, 2016 - up early for an ortho appointment. Even though I had steroid injections, my left knee has been giving me trouble. Talked to my ortho and we're going to do a visco injection. It'll put me out for a couple of days but next week is recovery anyway; no worries!! I have 4 Ironman to do this year, let's get this pain gone! He also recommended surgery after this year of training. It probably needs to happen. The deal: I have bone spurs behind my knee cap and little to no cartilage. He says a knee cap replacement isn't uncommon for someone who lives an active lifestyle and it's got a great success rate. We'll see how this visco injection does...
30 minute speed work run with Team TOA Elite
Tues. Jan 5, 2016 - it's a cold cold morning so I opted for an indoor trainer ride. 2 hours and 15 minutes. It honestly wasn't so bad! My girl booty is getting used to the seat again. I'm anxious to get outside and pick some speed back up. Moved back to Gulfport. Celebrate!!!
Weds. Jan 6, 2016 - a quick swim on base with Amber. 1,650 meters. I was doing 100's on the 2min and hitting them in 1:55. YAY!! A few errands, lunch, and finished settling in. #RVlife
40 minute run to finish my evening and dinner with Amanda.

Thurs. Jan 7, 2016 - meeting in the a.m. then hit the gym for a 1 hour spin class. It was raining/storming so no swim this morning even though I was supposed to. Darn it! I was nailing my workouts this week!! Helped with a RNT/run clinic for a friends church running group. Ran/walked a bit with them...
Fri. Jan 8, 2016 - look at me nailing swims!! YAY! 1,500 more meters in the pool this morning. Worked at the shop the rest of the day.

Sat. Jan 9, 2016 - met Team TOA Elite to sherpa their run (I'm running tomorrow). Grabbed an amazing 1:15, 20 mile bike ride after and then walk/ran Jake for about 30 minutes.
Sun. Jan 10, 2016 - 16 mile run - 13.1 miles at the First Light Half Marathon (2:10) + 3 more for 2:40. That's a 10 minute mile!! YAY!!