If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Accountability: 25 weeks to go

Monday: I met an athlete to swim a couple hundred meters and topped it off with a few hundred more. Total: 2,500 meters in 1 hour. Later that night met Team TOA Elite for a 33 minute speed run workout.
Swim & Run

Tuesday: spent the day with Amber and crushed a 1 hour bike trainer session later that evening. Inhaled a kale/spinach/turkey protein packed bowl. Nom nom nom!!

Wednesday: 6 mile, 60 minute run + 1,500 meter swim (5x50warm up alternating bilateral breathing, 2x500 first RPE3, second RPE 6, 250 easy cool down).
Swim & Run

Thursday: remember my knee issues? They're kind of back. I actually went and got shots again but the one in my left knee doesn't seem to be taking. It hurts like hell. I had to cut my 40 minute fun run short. 25 minutes and I was done. I'm going to let it rest a bit.

Friday: asked to pick up a shift in Slidell, I'm headed to work. Run-N-Tri Christmas party after.

Saturday: 12 mile run (my left knee is really bothering me again) + worked in the shop in Gulfport.

Sunday: I took the day off for personal reasons. I need to get my butt on a bicycle!!