Adventures Revisited
I recently posted that I'm hitting the road. Well yesterday I pretty much lined it all up. Plane tickets, registrations, reservations, and travel details. I had to rearrange some stops, but it's all happening! I'll actually be back in Gulfport at the end of year though and pick back up in 2016 for my out west tour (that includes you Amy!!). I'm thinking a marathon training program will happen so get interested in that and maybe some "off season" training sessions for triathletes while I'm home <--- yep, Gulfport is HOME *hearts*
So what's happening in a nutshell?
Gulfport to Ironman Texas
I'll be back in Gulfport at the end of May (for a few days) so let's have lunch!
Gulfport to Ohio - FIT Tri in Mt. Sterling + Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure + family and friends
Ohio to Kansas - HI PHIL!! How hard is it going to be to leave Jake for an entire month!? Oh My God, instant anxiety! At least he'll be with his daddy. Seriously, my heart rate just increased. Well, that might be the full caffeine coffee I just chugged...
Kansas to California - mom is racing her first 70.3 and then we're doing Disneyland, shopping, and San Francisco, and any other adventures that we deem necessary.
From California I'm traveling back to Arizona with mom. Can we stop in Sedona!!?? Please please please!?!?! And flying out from Phoenix to Punta Cana for a real life vacation with my sister from another mister, Brittany. Back to Kansas, love my Jakey, and bringing it back home for a few minutes...
Keep in mind I'll be training for Ironman Barcelona during all these travels because that's where I'll be for the month of October. KIM, we're going to SPAIN!!! I get goosebump excited every time I say that out loud!!
Before you think, what a selfish journey, know that I will be stopping to lend my hand every chance I get. There's a homeless shelter in Texas that I want to visit and touch a few lives. I mean, yeah I get it, I'm no one special but I feel like I can inspire at least one. I'm also hosting a few run and tri clinics in Ohio. This trip will not go down without impact...
And if you're wondering, how are you doing this <--- $$$ - check out my You Gotta Budget Like a Boss post. I've been planning this for nearly a year!
I'm headed out in a few days so hit me up for a cup of coffee, swim, bike, or run OR, I'll see ya on the road!!