10k Play
There was something a little bit extra special about this years Crescent City Classic 10k. Not only was I invited to participate as an Official Blogger, I was fortunate to have (drag) my team with me!
The morning started super chilly in a mist of rain. Even though we were shivering, we were smiling and prepared to take on the streets of New Orleans with 17,000+ others. The wind was blowing good and steady so there was no doubt that this little bit of ugly weather would blow away. We goofed off and celebrated our ability to be together for this great event. We caught glimpses of chickens, Storm Troopers, ninja's, men in string bikinis, mustaches, and other characters packing in close to keep warm and start the race.
A tribute to America and we're off! It took about 15 minutes to actually get to the start line. Ainsley's Angels were first followed by the fast people. We were in Corral D <-- the medium jogger people. No problem!! We weren't in a hurry, we wanted to enjoy the 10k while looking forward to a 2.5 hour bike we planned for post race. Team TOA has no fear! Crossing the start line, the music was bumping, the misty rain had passed, and there was wild energy amongst the crowd.
When one plans to participate in CCC10k, one is either at the front and plans on winning, placing, or at least PR'ing; or one is in the mix and plans on dancing, drinking, and "playing". Put it this way, winner time: 28 minutes and 56 seconds to last finisher at 3 hours and 16 minutes. A wide range of elite to beginner runners to say the least. We opted for middle ground - run a solid 10k but have fun and enjoy.
I'm a big fan of New Orleans so having the opportunity to run down the heart of the French Quarter exhilarates me! From Poydras to Decatur (passing by Cafe du Monde and the French Market) to Esplanada Avenue where the oak trees line the street to City Park - it's gorgeous! I love this course, the volunteers who man it, and the energy from the runners.
We started as a group but broke up quickly amongst the crowd. Molly, Ben, and I ran together with Brandon, Peggy, and Ed up ahead of us and Page and Charlene just behind us. #teamTOA
Plenty of fun and picture stops along the way + 1 potty break.
Yes, ^ that's really beer!! Shots of Jaegermeister too. Say what!? Well, it IS New Orleans!
With so many people, it always blows my mind how you can run into friends and familiar faces. It's like we're all meant to be in each others lives and cross one another's paths! Selfies were happening left and right <--- check out my Instagram or Twitter for all those sexy faces!
Ya know what else I love about this race? The mile arches. Every mile is well marked with a banner across the street + an aid station. It's like we're celebrating every single mile. I love this! Each step forward is a celebration and the big arches make it feel that much more rewarding.
The finish line was just as exciting; people lined the way cheering and ringing cowbells, decked out with signs and costumes and joy! A unique finishers medal to add to the collection and the after party... WHOA! Beer and jambalaya + music rocking + expo vendors and a variety of teams and groups and characters + a kids area with a rock climbing wall...and so much! It was a PARTY. Noble part: CCC10k raised $500,000 for 15 local charities. I love when my money is going to something that makes a social impact.
Oh and hey, if you have a few extra bucks, grab the VIP pass. Seriously worth it...lots of food choices, mimosa's, cold beer, shaded seating, and more food. Roll out your red carpet and be a rockstar for this race; you'll be glad you did!...
One of the longest running 10k's in the nation, the Crescent City Classic 10k has got it going on.
Well organized, well managed, great support and staff, and volunteers to love. I love it and I am proud to have been a part of it this year!
Hey, you know what else!? They sent us a free picture after the race. Score!!
As a 2015 Official CCC10k blogger, I was given a free entry, VIP parking (which Charlene left at home - DOH!!), and finish line VIP passes. No other compensation was given to me and all opinion are my own. Thank you Larisa Dixon for organizing the Official 2015 Bloggers and inviting me to be a part of this opportunity!!