Reflecting on a summer of travel

Being "home", the reality of being gone since May has hit me. I have been gone since MAY! And you know what!? Next to nothing has changed! Is there really so little change in 3 months!? Cause I feel like an entirely different person!!
I've certainly hit the ground running... prepping for a triathlon I'm co-directing, working at the shop, TRAINING, athletes, and getting settled back into daily life. And I've only been here a week! I like a busy life though. I thrive on it. I feel like I worked on me and "me time" all summer and now it's back to being what I'm good at, here for you.
Maybe that only makes sense in my head ?
6 states, 1 country, new friends, family, Kim and Anissa, Lori, Uncle JayC, Tiffany and her family, David and Aneca, Jennifer, Mike, Josh, Tracy and her family, Joe and his son, Jessie (Jay) and his husband, Kelly, Trish & Andy and girls, Angie, Annie, Kerrie, Amy, Angela, Charlotte, Kathy and family, Jason, Sophie the dog and handler, Michael Norwood, Vicki, Cameron, John, Heather and Savanna, Alyssa, and then my sister Brittany, her friend Breann, and Amanda, Phil, and 3 iPhones later... I pretty much had the most amazing summer ever.
I lost 5lbs. I gained 7.
I did things I was scared to do. I did things I've done a million times.
I went to Disneyland. Mickey! Princesses! I was star struck.
I hiked up mountains and slid down the other side.
I found something in myself... no, I lost something about myself that I just didn't need anymore.
I learned to let go.
I got to spend invaluable time with my mother and we both survived to share the pictures.
I took a secret side trip.
I sipped wine in Sonoma County, California.
I felt lost. And then I felt completely found.
I felt lonely. And then I felt completely surrounded.
I felt scared. Defeated. And then I felt utter bravery, respect, and determination.
I became a better me.
It was so calming and happy and discovering.
And when I read these words, "Enjoy the little things because one day you might look back and realize those were the big things." I just grinned, yes. It's so true.
And to each of you who helped make my summer epic, thank you.
It's not quite over... Ironman Barcelona, you're next.