Lately I've Been
I love -ing words. They are usually active, in the now, PRESENT, and usually independent.
So when I saw this post float across the Blog world, I felt like I too must join in the fun.
Plus it's a tool to grow as a person and as a writer. So, I'm doING it!!
Currently in life I am actively partaking in the following -ing's:
Making: MAGIC! What does this mean? I say it all the time. To me, making magic means changing lives or doing something extraordinary. I love Coaching and guiding growth! (others and self!!)
Cooking: HEALTHY! Sweet potatoes are my fave and I'm topping them with anything from cinnamon and pecans to salsa and beef. You can literally top a sweet pot with anything and find deliciousness. I'm also all about the couscous lately.
Drinking: Pinot Noir. I stopped drinking for the longest time. Not for any particular reason, mostly because of my anxiety. But I've been so digging the different flavors of Pinot Noir and a glass a day keeps the stress away!
Reading: The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul. See my Enlightenment post to learn more. But I just finished Paper Towns too which was eh, but the ideas in the story are interesting. Such as, paper towns. COOL!!
Wanting: to be a stronger more efficient swimmer. I think I'm going to hire a swim Coach leading up to Ironman Barcelona. I could take off a good 20 minutes.
Looking: forward to my next adventure. Which happens to be Ironman Barcelona. It's seriously going to be an epic trip!!
Playing: Candy Crush on my phone. I'm on level 20'something. I'm so glad I'm not addicted to this game. It actually puts me to sleep at night!
Wasting: water. Not just me, all of us!? Is water going to run out? Is this a resource that our future is going to long for? We use a lot of water. We WASTE a lot of water...
Wishing: we would stop hating on each other so much. Life is good; be happy and be kind to one another. I don't understand the hate and the ugly.
Enjoying: being alone. It's during the loneliest moments that we grow the most.
Waiting: to see you.
Missing: JAKE!!
Liking: all the healthy/fitness posts on FB and Instagram. Go on with your muscle selfie!!
Loving: my hippie headbands! And my Rudy Project shades.
Hoping: I can take these last 5 pounds off before Ironman Barcelona!
Needing: a major detox after poor eating and drinking habits while on vacation.
Wearing: OOFOS! I wear the snot out of these comfy little sandals! ZOOT! Shoes, apparel, and gear...I love being decked out in my Zoot Sports!
Following: more and more travel pins on Pinterest and blogs online.
Noticing: I'm very comfortable being 35. Especially when I look 25!! ;)
Thinking: about how fortunate I am to travel and explore and be who I want to be. And how many people I got to catch up with and hang with this summer!! Man I love my friends!!
Feeling: like a brand new me. A kinder more self aware me. Ready to take on the next chapter of my life!! Or just the next few minutes... ;)
Also feeling super proud of my mom and her triathlon training.
Bookmarking: benefiicial triathlon and running articles for both athletes and self.
Opening: Training Peaks. I love checking in on my athletes everyday.
My add-on ing's:
Exploring: new cultures, new ideas, new flavors... and a new ME.
And always: swimmING, bikING, and runNING!!
Share some of your ing's with me in the comments below. What are you wearing? What are you needing? What are you enjoying? What are you doING!?
My add-on ing's:
Exploring: new cultures, new ideas, new flavors... and a new ME.
And always: swimmING, bikING, and runNING!!
Share some of your ing's with me in the comments below. What are you wearing? What are you needing? What are you enjoying? What are you doING!?