I made a delicious dinner!

And I want to share it with you...
1 package of thick cut bacon
1 small-medium bag of fresh baby spinach (about 2 cups)
1-2 spaghetti squash
Chopped Garlic (want easy? Get the squeeze kind!)
Crushed Red Pepper
Goat Cheese
Make it:
Pan fry or bake your bacon. Chop it into pieces (however big or small you want!). Set aside.
Meanwhile, slice your spaghetti squash in half lengthwise and clean out the guts. Put it face down in a microwavable dish with a little bit of water and microwave it for about 10mins (or until soft). Let it cool and then prepare to fork it, spaghetti'fying it.
Empty your bacon grease from your pan and set aside. Cook the spinach in the pan; splash a little bit of the bacon grease back on top of the spinach. Add fresh chopped garlic. Sauté until spinach is soft. Add the spaghetti squash, crushed red pepper, salt, the chopped bacon, and a little more bacon grease and continue to sauté - mostly just combining it all together.
If you used small squash, you can serve your dinner back in the shell - presentation!!
Otherwise, just serve it!
Top with goat cheese.
I served mine with a chopped salad.
The flavors are DIVINE!