I'm Going to Brazil!!

This time two years ago I was in South Africa for Ironman #4. I went on several safaris and met some amazing new friends. I was up close and personal with a HERD of elephants (see that photo ^ this is only 5 of maybe 100 elephants!?), searched high and low for lions and rhino's, and even met some penguins. But the dolphins! HUNDREDS of dolphins swimming around us. I don't even know how this adventure can be topped. BUT...

FB memories are getting me all excited for my next adventure: BRAZIL!
Oh my gosh friends, I leave in about 44 days!!
1 ~ My first thoughts: holy shit am I even prepared for another Ironman!? Have I even been training!? What's the course going to be like!? I need to go swim! I need to go bike! I need to go run! AHHHH! SHEER TERROR!!
2 ~ I'm going alone. SOLO. By myself! What on earth have I gotten myself into!? I know I'll make friends to chat and hang with, but crossing that finish line with no one to scoop me up and make sure I don't die is a bit unsettling.
3 ~ Stop being a puss.
4 ~ I'm going to journey through the Amazon! Do you know there are pink dolphins in the Amazon River!? I am going to be SWIMMING with pink dolphins (how the hell do I make the heart eyes emoji !?). I think I need to whip out my mosquito net though...
5 ~ How do I pack for this trip!? I don't even return home... I'm returning to New York to spend a week with mom, niece, and step-sister. I'm pretty certain my Ironman/Amazon jungle attire in Brazil will differ from needed New York attire (insert wide eyes emoji!!). And following that I'm biking GOBA, 7 days camping and cycling... The packing for all this alone is going to be an adventure!!
6 ~ I read a book and the girl in it wore one single dress for a 30 day adventure. 1 dress and 3 underpants (that's for you Amber). I wonder if I could pull this off. Of course, I'll need at least my triathlon race kit and some bike shorts...
7 ~ I don't think my one outfit choice would be a dress.
8 ~ Yes it would.

Random Brazil fun facts (of course I research the countries I visit!!)
- Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest nation in the world.
- The Amazon is not one river but a network of many hundreds of waterways. Its total length stretches 4,250 miles.
- Thousands of species live in the river, including the infamous piranha and the boto, or pink river dolphin.

- Brazil has the greatest variety of animals of any country in the world. It is home to 600 mammal species, 1,500 fish species (I'll be visiting the largest fish market in the world in Manaus, 1,600 bird species, and an amazing 100,000 different types of insects (I definitely need my mosquito net!!).
Can you tell I'm excited this morning or what!?!