If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Accountability: 4 Weeks


Mon, Aug 31:
1500 meter speed work in the pool as 100 swim, 100 pull, 100 kick, 100 swim then 8 x 100 as 2x100's swim hard, 2x100 pull strong, 2x100 kick hard, 2x100 swim hard + 100 cool down. 25 minutes.
Worked at the shop and finished up there with Monday fun run. I ran 30 minutes. A good strong 5k with Doc Hardin for 26 minutes + a cool down. 3.5 miles.


Tues, Sept 1:
I can't believe it's September! Kicked the month off with a 2 hour bike reaching 36.5 miles and a 30 minute, 3 mile run brick. I have 90 more minutes to ride but will do that tonight with some friends.
Hit another hour for 21 miles. 1 hour and 6 minutes. That put us at a 19+ average! Rock star status!!
10min warm up then 1min HARD 5min recover, 2min HARD 4min recover, 3min HARD 3min recover, 2min HARD 1min recovery, 1min HARD 5 min recover, then opposite back down. Great work out!

Weds, Sept 2:
45 minute continuous swim for 2,000 meters. My left shoulder and elbow were really acting up. It seemed to warm up a little bit but then it came back. It seems to me that this has happened before and I think it was some kind of itis. I'm not concerned about it. Yet...
Spent the rest of the day working at the shop.


Thurs, Sept 3:
I didn't have to work today so slept in as best as I could. Hit an hour bike ride for 18 miles. Shed a few emotional tears over something I'd rather not revisit. My ac went nuts in the RV so spent way too many hours waiting on that to be fixed. Then finally got to a strong 45 minute, 4.5 mile run. Did I eat today? I think I'm starving...
Another swim tomorrow; I'm hoping the shoulder has calmed down.
I'm also stoked that my friend Kim is in town from Texas!! She's going to swim with me and we have a BIG training weekend coming up. YAY!! Peaking out for Ironman Barcelona!!

We went all beast mode on ya today!! #justkeepswimming #triouradventure #ironman #ironmanbarcelona #teamzoot #teamTOA

Fri, Sept 4:
Early morning in the pool with Kim. She had 1 hour, I wanted 4000 meters. We ended up with 1:34. She grabbed 2.2 miles and I hit my 2.4; YES!!
Worked at the shop the rest of the day and ate like crap! Eat like crap; feel like crap. My run could suffer tomorrow. Bad move LM!!

And then all of a sudden 18 miles was done. Yes. Baby. Yes!!! #trainhard #playhard #ironmanbarcelona #teamTOA #triouradventure #triathletesarecrazy #teamzoot

Sat, Sept 5:
Long run with Kim. We are on a roll. We hit 18 miles easy. Seriously, barely a struggle! What a great confidence booster for Ironman Barcelona!
Ate WAYYY better today and felt WAYYY better!!
Worked at the shop the rest of the day; no pains, little tightness. I've got this down baby!!

#teamTOA and friends TORE IT UP TODAY!!!!! 2 hours, 56 miles, and 100 miles DONE!!!!!#triouradventure #teamzoot

Sun, Sept 6:
Long bike today. 100 miles. The day started cool which made the first 50 miles amazing. The next 50 were hot and windy. The last 10 were rough. We got it done though!!
The best part of the day was rocking out that first half with my team. These athletes have so much bad ass in them!!

A big week!! One more biggish week and then I move into taper!