If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Sunfish Triathlon 2011

(copied original from FB Notes)

Hitched a ride with my friend Amy to Meridian for a 1/3 of a mile swim, a 17 mile bike ride, and a 5k run. Hell of a way to go for training ;) Amy and I had a great time laughing and chatting all the way to the Hilton. Super nice hotel by the way! We had firmness dials on our beds!! The best part though, I didn't have pre-race jitters! Cool, I'll just relax, have fun, and enjoy it (right Luke ;)

Race morning: up by 4, slept like poo :/ Nervous as hell (yet excited) and don't feel ready (even though I was/am ready). We get there early and grab a prime location in transition (thanks Amy!!). Since the swim had me the most nervous I decided to get a good warm up in with my buddy David (thanks David!!). SO glad we did that!! I was number 114 and it was a time trial start every 5 seconds. So about 10 minutes later I got the "go"! I was relaxed, having fun, and enjoying it!! I did so great. First buoy, second buoy, turn buoy... I started to stop and side stroke for a second and said, Lisa what are you doing!? Swim!! So I just swam!! It wasn't amazing time or anything but I did so well and am very proud of that swim!!

Coming out of the water I suddenly felt very dizzy and nauseous...I wonder if I might have an inner ear problem going on??? Definitely time to schedule ear doc, yuck! Into transition, things went fast until...let's just say I will NEVER, NEVER drink red Gatorade ever ever ever again (especially before a race!!).

I'm on the bike and feeling amazing!!!! The course was super hilly. Good news, I'm a hill girl :) I love me some hills baby!! Most cyclist dislike hills and/or headwind. I love love love the hills. Headwind, I'd rather swim with alligators but hills, get some!! :) Feeling super confident after my swim and rocking the bike I torture (I say torture rather than kill because I didn't KILL the bike, I could have pushed harder and WILL get stronger/better, but I definitely tortured that baby ;)

In to transition and ready to run. My fastest transition ever!! I thought for SURE I had this race in the bag. As soon as I started running I felt it...a cramp in my left hip flexor area. I've never felt this cramp before. Maybe I'm dehydrated? Nope, I drank two aero bottles, I'm not dry mouth, and I'm sweating...Maybe pushed too hard on the bike? No way, I still had a run in me!! Maybe potty, maybe female, maybe WHO KNOWS but IT HURT!! And I don't mean like ouch a cramp, dig your fingers in it, and it lets up...IT HURT! It was excruciating. I made it to mile 1 and didn't even know it (trying to zone out and tolerate the cramp). I knew I was going slow though :( By mile 2 I was pretty much doubled over. Ouch ouch ouch. My legs felt so great, my mind was so right, I really really really wanted to KILL THE RUN!! It just hurt too badly :( I will admit, I almost quit. Yeah, it hurt that bad!

I finished though and crossed that finish line in desperate need of 'no more pain'. I was so focused on how crappy my run was and I was so upset because I KNEW I had it in me that I didn't notice I was overheated, turning white, and pretty close to passing out :/ Thank goodness a good friend, Eddie DID notice (thanks Eddie!!!). He talked to me, gave me a cold sponge, took me over to the cold showers, got me a Coke, and just stayed with me. (oh, p.s., Phil wasn't able to come up with me as he's headed to MO for a few weeks for school). Not sure what would have happened if he hadn't been there!! Once I got some cold water, some sugar, and rested for a few minutes I felt great :)

I love this sport. I feel so great even though I didn't have a good run and I spent a good part of the day with amazing athletes and friends. I know what I need to work on, I know not to drink Gatorade (ever again), and I swam :) I swam well :)

Shout out to my friend David Branch, his FIRST tri and he did AMAZING!! I'm SO proud of him.

Shout out to my friend Amy Docsa for letting me tag along and for all the wisdom, tips, and advice, you are awesome!!

Shout out to all my friends/fellow athletes for a great race!!! You all did such a great job!!