If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

A New Week

I love Monday's. Besides the weekend being over (which I don't love), Monday is a fresh slate for a fresh week!

Monday Oct 3 is no different. A return drive from Pensacola just in time for Monday Fun Run and my 2017 RnR running group. We ran for 25mins (I got 30mins) for 3 miles ~ 5min warm up, 60/90's for 20mins, and 5min cool down to ensure everyone's safe return.

Tuesday Oct 4 - 90min bike on the Slidell Tammany Trace before meeting Paul and Peggy for lunch at KY's (good food, cool atmosphere!). CrossFit night!!
Warm up + Shoulder presses + 12min AMRAP of 6 handstand pushups, 9 ring dips, 12 toes to bar.
My AMRAP was all modified and today I felt the frustration. I would get 1-3 toes to bar (knees to bar) and then lose the movement. After I felt sweaty but not worked hard so I asked Coach to teach me med ball cleans. Again, the movement was different, felt awkward, and I felt the frustration. I still worked hard; I won't quit.

Wednesday Oct 5 - 2 hours on the spin bike. I don't know what made me choose the spin bike over outside. I wanted to SPIN and SWEAT. I pushed, don't you worry!! Followed that up with some push-ups and light arm work.

Thursday Oct 6 - 3,000m swim as 500 continuous moderate effort, 5 x 100 hard effort, 400, 4 x 100, 300, 3 x 100, 200, 2 x 100, 100, 100. Boom!! Just over an hour.
CrossFit Night!!: warm up + bench press (55lbs x 8reps x 3 rounds) ~ could have gone heavier.
Rounds of 400m sprints + 20 wall balls + max pull-ups (band assisted) every 4 mins. I completed all each round in the 4mins (8pu, 5pu, 3pu, 3pu). That shit got hard!

Friday, Oct 7 - an off day to work in Dauphin Island for Tri the Gulf.

Saturday, Oct 8 - ran 5 miles with Team TOA Elite (ran with Beth).

Sunday, Oct 9 - 72 mile bike (2.5 hours with Robin and Tim, 1.5 more with Tim, 11 miles/45 minutes more with Kimberly). Cold a.m. and windy as shit!! Got it done though. Time: 4:45