Dear November,

Please be amazing!!
I like opening up my magical pink book and seeing what the month has in store for me. Even though I'm spontaneous and obnoxious, I'm so organized and planned. Hee hee!! I mean, a girl's gotta budget!!
I'm not sure that November can even kind of top October. I mean, I spent the month in Spain and France falling in love with new cultures. But hey, it's not a competition! It's just about finding that love, joy, and adventure in every moment.
But I am doing some cool'ness this month. For starters, my marathon training program started. I've got about 60 athletes training for Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Half & Full Marathon in February. This is my passion...Coaching athletes to their new edition. Each new mile reached is a celebration and discovery of self. I also have triathletes racing firsts and experiencing second long distances. That finish line though! Even when it's not my feet stepping across, to know that I played some small role or helped guide the path... it's a WIN.
Jake and I are taking a quick trip to Arizona and I'm going to try to bring home a little win myself at the Nerd 10k in Tempe. But otherwise, I am here. A little November coastie. We moved into a room to save money and spread out a bit for the winter. I'll be at the shop working, running with athletes, or in the pool or gym working on me. I want to see you! I want to spend time with you! Don't hesitate to invite me for dinner, shopping, or puppy playdates!
And November, please be good to us. Because despite all the beauty our lives have found the last few months, we have our heartaches and difficulties too. Bring us amazing opportunities and the ability to see the forest for the trees.