Week 16/20 Ironman Kona
Woo these weeks are disappearing fast (in the training world anyway - in every other sense, DRAGGING LIFE!!) <--- but that's because I DESPERATELY miss my Luca!! And Billie has taken a turn for asshole. She's really mean to me and treats me horrible. It's hard to take care of someone that is so nasty to me. That's for an entirely different post though!
Monday, September 9, 2019 - I took a rest day after my big weekend. I'm not just physically exhausted, I'm mentally exhausted and even more, emotionally. I'm missing my life and my guy and I'm taking care of this house, the grands, and watching Gma get worse, mean, and deteriorate everyday. I know the stress of all this is piling up. Needless to say,
We did get 8 more cows though!! Farm life! My favorite, I've named Buckeye thanks to a perfect 'Ohio' stamp on his forehead.
Tuesday, Sept 10 - straight to the pool this morning for a swim and brick bike. I meant to bike 90mins but cut it to 60 after an extra long swim and plans to meet Christine and Scott for lunch at Basil's. An afternoon back at the house to be treated like shit. Yay.
SWIM 4,000 yards + BIKE 1 hour
Weds, Sept 11 - out for a run before the house wakes up. I got 6 miles in. Slow miles. But happy to have them. Upon return was told "just leave". Seriously guys, she's so mean now. Spent the day working and daily chores and eventually Cheryl and I snuck off for some sushi.
RUN 6 miles
Thurs, Sept 12 - out biking this morning. I wanted to get about 2 hours in; I woke up a little late. I haven't been sleeping well again this week. I think stress. So it's hard to agree to the alarm. But still, out for a ride after setting up the grands for breakfast.
BIKE 26 miles
I'm starting to have that 'I'm not doing enough' stress. And to top THAT feeling off, I woke up to this:
Fri, Sept 13 - rough morning all around. Hoping to swim it off, all things were wrong in the pool and my 2,000 was done at 800. Maybe I can try again later today.
Made a decision that I need to get away for the weekend. I booked a little lakeside cabin in Celina (St. Mary's Lake) for me and Jake. Pizza night w/the fam and organized care so I can go.
Sat, Sept 14 - biked a 52 mile loop w/Cheryl in the a.m. It was a really good ride. Happy and fun! We had a great pace until we hit the bike path - that killed us. But it was a good time. Cleaned up. Packed up. And headed out. My cracked tooth pain returned w/a vengeance and I've scheduled an emergency extraction for Monday. GET IT OUT!
BIKE 52 miles
Sunday, Sept 15 - Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!! 3 years strong. Sucks to be apart today but I feel him in my heart. 19 days!!
5 miles run by the lake this morning. Nice and easy at 11min miles (that's 8mins run + 45sec walk)
RUN 5 miles
Happy Anniversary my Love
Weekly Totals:
Swim 4800, Bike 94, Run 11
Yes, definitely feeling like not enough. I have a big next week though; final big week. And then maybe I'll feel ready!?
And 3 years of pure love and happiness.