Final BIG Week 17/20 Ironman Kona
So last week finished w/a little getaway to the lake. I needed that! I still biked 52 on Saturday and ran 5 on Sunday, exactly as scheduled! But this week is going to be off to a questionable start. My cracked tooth finally broke and even though I found peace by the lake, I survived on Tylenol and Ibuprofen - YOUCH! I scheduled an emergency extraction for Monday morning.
Monday, Sept 16, 2019 - up and out of the cabin by 0600 to get Jake dropped off and to the dentist by 8am. Sure enough, my cracked tooth is now a broken tooth. We didn't know how bad until the extraction started. It was actually a horizontal break which is super unique. A deep root broke off up there but after a bit of work by Dr. Bentley, he got it. It was kinda scary. For him as well!!
He told me no workouts today so ... ok ... fine. I might try to run later. Shh! But otherwise today will be REST DAY and I'll fill my schedule this week! This is my final big week!
Tues, Sept 17 - up early for antibiotics which are due every 6 hours and since I'm up, I might as well go get my swim in! Back to the house for work, gma sitting, and house chores. Very little pain today but I'm keeping myself heavily dosed w/the tylenol-ibuprofen combo.
SWIM 3,000 yards
Weds, Sept 18 - quick run this morning while it's cool. I had a hard time breathing and it gave me some anxiety. Mom said the leaves are changing already so it might be that chemical reaction in the air sort of like an allergy. Of course I'm paranoid that it's the antibiotics they've got me on. Ugh! Despite, I pushed out a slow 50mins. I want an hour on the bike too but made plans w/friends to get me out of the house - may try for this in the p.m. or post swim tomorrow.
Was able to grab 40mins on the bike before making the grands dinner, feeding cows, walking Jake, and AHH all the things!! Also had a bit more pain today in the tooth department, jaw, and achy head. I'm still making magic and hey, BEEEEEE Happy! #Igotthis
RUN 4.22 miles + BIKE 40 minutes
Thurs, Sept 19 - if there's something I've learned above all else regarding triathlon training - do it even when you don't want to. And ESPECIALLY when you don't want to. Hit that long swim today in 1:40:23. I'm seriously okay with this time in Kona. Seriously!
SWIM 4,250 yards (2.4 miles)
Fri, Sept 20 - 100 miles on the bike today w/Cheryl. What a ride too! Right out the gate almost hit a huge we don't know what animal. A squirrel with no tail !? Ran into friends out biking, ran into my SIL and the girls, 55 miles of headwind, and just PHEW! But good times. Happy to have my aunt out here training these long rides with me! Finished the day playing with my boy, family dinner, and rest.
BIKE 100 miles
Sat, Sept 21 - good morning sleeping in! No kidding, until almost 8am!!!!! Today is a scheduled rest day because I'm headed to Columbus to share in the marriage of one of my best friends - whom some of you know, David Hennessey!! Love you my friend and so happy for you!! p.s. at least one of us made it before 40! ;)
Feeling guilty for no early morning training though. You see, I've been having these 'I'm not doing enough' vibes the last few days and an intentional day of nothing. Maybe I should go swim... AHHH! But I've got my 20 miler run tomorrow. All good. Deep breaths!
Sun, Sept 22 - set out for 20 miles today, my final long run. I made it about .02 and took myself to the VA ER. I couldn't breath! Remember that shortness of breath on Weds? It was BAD today. I had this full/bloated kind of feeling not in my belly, but in my diaphragm area. Maybe chest pains? And my right shoulder was aching. I'm hoping it's just gas !? Really really stuck gas!? But it hurts a lot. And after trying to rest/get comfortable for about an hour, I ER'd it.
Initial reports: potentially gallbladder. CT scans show I have inflammation around the area but have to wait until tomorrow for ultrasound and surgeons opinion - I've been admitted for the night. Also have some fluid on diaphragm/chest and some craziness going on in my lungs - as in debris in there! Uhhm, WTF is happening!?
Where's my bone? How about a break? I'm a good person!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?
My peak week - and I've had an emergency tooth extraction and now I'm laying in the hospital with we don't know WTF. I've still got this, right?!
Weekly Totals: Swim - 7,250 yards, Bike - 115 miles, Run - 4 (but I will get my 20 next week!!)
How did my biggest week NOT = my greatest distance!?
Monday update: I'm still here, in the hospital. I've had ultrasound today, echocardiogram, and I'm hooked up to a HR monitor. No reads from the ultrasound yet but they're still thinking gallbladder and then secondary, I do have this debris in my lungs so they're brining in a lung specialists to run some more tests.