So what do you do for recovery?
When you're posting your daily activity for 20 weeks, it's kind of hard to stop... so let's continue! Who's on this Kona train with me!? I have Ohio 70.3 in 10 weeks and Kona in 20. I need the accountability and I want you to see me WORK for what I need.

So/and/but, what about recovery!? I like to take a couple days of complete rest, a few more days of active rest, and within a week or 10 days, back at it!
Let's rewind back to Sunday and go from there! After the race I walked the near 1 mile back to transition while chatting w/Luca. I cried a little. As mentioned in my race recap, I was disappointed and even embarrassed about my 8+ hour finish. Luca was so proud of me though and so supportive/encouraging. BABY, you finished!! He's right, after considering not starting, I finished. I gathered my gear and walked the near 1 mile home. First thing's first - call mom! LOL! And, Jake potty break. Reflecting w/Luca and mom really helped level out my disappointment. Best part, we made a PLAN for all the next. I love plans!!!!! <--- plan nerd alert
Next on the agenda, FOOD and SHOWER. Guys, I love cheeseburgers after a race. I think we all have something that we crave and need after an endurance event. Mine is a cheeseburger. Always has been! Burger King!! Thank you Calella for having a Burger King. Listen, I'm all for trying new foods, eating off the beaten path, diving into culture - but come on, Burger King!! I killed a whopper w/cheese and fries! Fast forward from there - I'm HOME!!
Monday, May 20, 2019 - Luca picked me up from the airport and took me home. Long hot shower, big bowl of pasta, a massage!!, and just a couple of short hours w/him before he had to leave for Rome. Yep, back to back missions. I spent the day unpacking, cleaning, and reorganizing gear.
Tuesday, May 21 - had the BEST sleep. My pillow! My blanket! My bed! Jake and I both slept like ROCKS. And this morning, catching up on emails, athletes, and social media. And despite a "rest day" I got the yard done, laundry, house cleaned and gear put up, grocery, and took Jake for two walks. Woo!!
Wednesday, May 22 - good morning! Another great night of sleep. Only missing our Luca. Another down day to catch up, work, clean, and finish laundry. I considered a swim today but I think I'd rather stick to my Friday/Monday swim times. Tomorrow I'll do a recovery ride and a short run - see what I have in me...
Thursday, May 23 - sleeping has been the best! and I was up at 5am and ready for a KickR ride. I waited (until the coffee kicked in, realized what an adorable bad ass I am)... and got one done. 1 hour. "Bashful"Good stuff. Finished the day working, cleaning, and actually... being kinda happy. I'm feeling really good these last couple of days. The best part of depression is the times when you don't feel depressed!! Luca comes home tomorrow for the weekend!
BIKE (trainer) 1 hour

Friday, May 24 - not feeling a pool adventure. At all. So I did a little dry-land workout session and prepped for Luca's arrival; he's coming home for the weekend! Dinner and fun in Massa, a broken down car, and a new battery later, we're home! Wiped! Jake is pumped to see his daddy.
ST Session
Saturday, May 25 - slept in as long as possible before an easy 3 mile recovery run. Was perfect! My legs are still feeling heavy but I can tell I'm ready to go again!
RUN 3 miles
Sunday, May 26 - rain kept me inside, 45mins on the trainer in the Apple Orchard (TrainerRoad program) while Luca went and voted. Final hours together before sending him back to Rome for one more week...
BIKE (trainer) 45mins
That's a recovery week for me!! Or at least THIS recovery week for me. I'm ready to get back to my structured workouts and feeling strong! I hope this motivation rolls into next week as my official first week of Kona training begins. Follow along on Instagram and Twitter at @IMtrigirl or #triouradventure or right here, on the blog ;)
Weekly Totals:
No swim, 2 bike (trainer), 1 run, 1 strength session
p.s. in case you're also following 52 weeks of us, being separated for these couple of weeks, we decided to give it a break - less stress is best!