Week 8 (of 20) Barcelona 70.3
My finger is doing great so I'm going for it this week! Right back on schedule...
Please enjoy my weekly accountability with some random photos from the week!

Monday, Feb 18, 2019 - 1,600m on the schedule but at 1,500m in, I had an empty lane! This just doesn't happen here so I kept swimming! Finished with 2,500m. Woo!
SWIM 2,500m

BIKE trainer 1:20 & ST Session

Wednesday, Feb 20 - dreamt about my brother last night. I think this was the first time since the weeks after he died. He came back to us! He was telling us what Heaven was like and laughing that he hangs out with Jesus. No kidding. There was more, and anger, but I better keep it to my dreams. I was also caring for my grandparents again. That's a common dream nowadays.
Anyway, February is really flying by isn't it. I can't even believe it's the 20th already!
I waited for warmth and set out for a quick run w/hill repeats.
RUN 3 miles

Thursday, Feb 21 - rough night of sleep. None of us slept well and up early...
BIKE 40mins on the trainer.
Friday, Feb 22 - 1,600m swim w/my Luca (500 warm up + 150 sprints). Errands to follow and AHH, we failed our weekly challenge - friends invited us for pizza tonight. We couldn't say no! Not because of the pizza, but because of the friends. So we cut ourselves free for the night ;)
SWIM 1,600m

You sank my battleship!
Saturday, Feb 23 - scheduled rest day! Plus I have the White Marble Half Marathon tomorrow. Super scrub cleaned my house today; like laundered the rugs and everything!! I have a big surprise next weekend but I can't say yet. EEEEEeeee!!!

Sunday, Feb 24 - White Marble Half Marathon. Very good race! They shut the entire course down from traffic; was so fun running down the middle of these roads that I so often battle traffic on. Average run time for me at 2:19. But the best part of the day, we made new friends Max and Carrie. They live in Milan but we have a feeling we're going to be seeing A LOT more of them!
RUN 13.1 miles
Weekly Totals:
Swim x 2 x 4,100 meters
Bike x 2 x 2 hours (no long bike this week w/the half marathon Sunday)
Run x 16 miles
I kind of feel like this week was minimal training. I am going to amp it up next week and try to get a couple more double sessions in. After two very unplanned weeks (with the fire next door and nearly cutting my finger off), I must remain flexible!! LOL!!!
p.s. we were nailing our weekly challenge - no pizza nor fries. Too easy, right? WRONG! See Friday. We tried! LOL!!