If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

What's up!?


When I'm not traveling the world, I'm living an "ordinary" life. And I say "ordinary" because it's anything but ordinary ~ hee hee hee!!! So what's been going on? A little bit of this and a little bit of that... I actually had to go through my phone and pull some of my favorite shots to SHOW you what's up.


^ Hanging out in Stone County with the cows. In fact, Amanda has a multitude of mommas dropping babies. And while I haven't witnessed the birth personally, she sends me pictures. Growing up in the country in Ohio, I miss farm life. I didn't have a farm, although I lived on a pig farm... But I certainly miss the tranquil countryside.

And down on the coast, playing with Jake...
Who, if I chained him to a tree, would chew it down to get to the water...


His favorite ^ the lake. And my favorite, cuddles...


Also kicking it with Amber and Valerie ~ dance night + karaoke + chocolate chip cookies.


And gifts from back home!!

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Extremely thoughtful gifts!!

And the Top of the Hops Beer Fest in Biloxi!

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With my beautiful girls ^

Biking. So much biking! Spin bikes, trainers, outside rides ~ lots of biking!


With my sexy TOA athletes. And the gorgeous Gulf Coast.


That's it! Just being me! If you're up for a mini adventure, I'm tapping my toes and fully prepared, let's go!! Otherwise, NOLA is coming up soon and then my 2016 Adventures get started with a month in Brazil. BRAZIL!!! BRRRAAAZIILLL!