Swim, Bike, Ru... mess my knee up #accountability Week 18

Monday, April 23, 2018 - with Luca on duty today I was on a training MISSION...
Another week off to a good start!! (oh the photo - I'm often asked what different things look like and this is my pool locker room. Yep, that's it!).
SWIM - 2000 meters
BIKE - 2 hours, 30 miles

Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - up early to get in a near hour run before Luca is off and it's errand day!! Got it done - even with an emergency potty stop half way :O
Guess what I taught myself today?! HOW TO JUGGLE!! I'm totally doing it. AHAHAHA. I'll post a video when I'm really good at. Errands, yard work, and dinner w/friends.
RUN - 53mins, 5 miles

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - today is an Italian national holiday - liberation day. So Luca was off work. I decided to push my swim to tomorrow so we could take Jake for a long walk/hike and meet the guys at the beach. I know, just swim at the beach?? The water is still pretty dang cold and I have a pretty long dang swim. So... hike and day w/my loves. I was quite down today too. Just a mood.
HIKE - 1:20, 4 miles

Thursday, April 26, 2018 - making up that swim today + a bike ride or two!! I biked to and from the pool and then put some more serious meters in. 3,000 to be exact!!
Signed up for Lerici sprint triathlon too - woohoo!! My first for 2018 and it seriously feels like I haven't raced in AGES! I guess my last was Ironman Italy...
BIKE - 25mins, 6 miles
SWIM - 3,000m
BIKE - 25mins, 6 miles
Spontaneous pizza night with my Italian Sweet *hearts*

Friday, April 27, 2018 -
PHEW!! A little bit of relief this morning... Part of my angst about Kona in 2020 was the fact that I would have to complete Ironman France this year (which is going to happen anyway), finish another in 2019 (which is probably going to happen anyway too), AND be signed up for another (and finish) in 2020 and 2021 too - this is all according to IM Legacy requirements. That's A LOT of time. A LOT more Ironman. A LOT more money. A LOT more training. BUT... confirmed today, since I'm "on the list", we have special requirements to maintain legacy status and our slot and that means only a 70.3 or 5i50 annually. NOT a full. PHEW!!
Graduation night for our friend Claudio.
Guys, I put my run off because I tweaked my knee a little. And that has turned into some bad news...

Saturday, April 28, 2018 -
Yesterday, I go to sit down at the table, and I felt a twinge in my right knee. Below my knee. Youch. Like I just twisted it wrong. Through the day it got more and more tender. Actually felt better when standing or walking. But rotation hurt. Or certain bends. WTF.
All Friday night. Overnight. Hurt to sleep, because if I slept on side, seemed to put pressure on the knee and twist it funny. Not much swelling to note but definitely a pinpoint of pain. Woke up very bad. Terribly painful. Shit. Let’s find an Ortho. I can’t afford to wait it out... called a place and miraculously the doctor is on site RIGHT NOW. He looks. Thinks hmm, could be meniscus tear. But I don't feel pain there. I feel the pain lower, like around anserine bursa and those tendons.
Okay then... MRI. Ironically, there's an MRI place in the same building... downstairs. Went down. And walked right in for the MRI. Whoa!! Quicker than McDonald’s drive thru!!! This NEVER happens in Italy. Now the doc calls us back to office and says he’ll read the MRI right away. vs. 3-10 days as previously indicated. Wowwww!! This is seriously the quickest anything in Italy has ever happened!! Of course it’s cost me 140 + 135 to happen... but reading results in moments...
So. All kinds of fuckery in my knee. Most of it I already know. The cysts, the missing cartilage, the scar tissue. Yeah yeah. It hurts but doesn't give me PAIN. So... He's showing me...
Minor tear ("a disruption") in the meniscus. They are supposed to be these triangles and I have one triangle and one...fuckery. And inflammation around the anserine bursa and semitendinosus tendon.
Ice, anti-inflammatory, no run for 3 weeks. I can cycle and swim w/buoy (no kicking), visit a PT where he wants some kind of electrical machine therapy stuff... and luckily I can do some sports injury PT/recovery on my own.

So, I scrubbed my patio clean. And stalked Ironman Texas all day (James is an Ironman, Paul missed the run cut off time around mile 16).
And I kinda cried all day :( :( :(
Sunday, April 29, 2018 - afraid of getting out there and my knee hurting, I jumped on the trainer for 90mins. No pain! Great news. Guess I'll become the best damn cyclist at IM France *eye roll*
BIKE (trainer)
Weekly Totals:
Swim: 5000 meters, 3.1 miles
Bike: 140mins, about 36 miles
Run: 5 miles
Hike: 4 miles
I'm really torn up about this knee situation but (it's Monday right this second) it feels A LOT better today. Wondering if the small tear the doc saw has already been there and I truly just tweaked a muscle/tendon. I'll give it a rest all through this week and just see what happens...
I'm still planning on racing Lerici Triathlon on the 13th!!!