Life at 35

I've been 35 for a solid 48 hours and okay okay, it's really not that bad. I've been stressing about turning 35. Tri friends joke that it's because I'm in a new age group, but that's been so since Jan 1st so I'm used to that now. Although, I really need to step up my game if I ever want to place again; girls this age are tough! My real stress about turning 35 though is WHOA, I'm 35. I'm starting to notice things that weren't here last year... uhh, wrinkles!? Cellulite!? Loose skin!? Gray hair!? And it's way harder to get and keep weight off. What is happening!?
I have moments of complete break down ~ I'm not doing enough with my life; but then my belief that I'm right where I'm supposed to be steps in. Happy kicks me in the face. I have found my passion. I have successful athletes that trust me. I'm traveling and free and doing whatever I want. The people I love most are healthy. I'm being me and more importantly, okay with me.
On my birthday, I decided for every birthday wish, I recalled a memory with that person. I pretty much spent the day down memory lane. Family, high school friends, military, tri friends, running friends, athletes, cooking friends, photography friends, Facebook friends, fans, foes, cousins, aunts, in-laws, friends of friends, and best friends... It was seriously such a good idea! It was so fun. It reminded me of all the love I (WE!!) have in our lives. Such a reflection of my last 35 years. And each person and our relationship is so unique and different from the next. There's a part of my life with each person and it's so different from one to the next. I feel very fortunate to have such a huge support system. And even though I don't see or talk to most of these people daily, I know they're there. It's... relieving. It truly battles the lonely.
So anyway, 35 years of life. I honestly feel pretty accomplished. If I died today, I'd die happy. But don't worry, I'm not quite ready, I've got all kindsa shit to do and lives to change!! Let's change the WORLD!!!....
Thank you for being a part of my life and a part of my HAPPY.