Accountability, Ironman VR2, & Easter

Monday, April 6, 2020 - rest day!! Following the IMVR1 I felt like I deserved a rest day. And you know what? I spent (at least) an hour on the hammock, chilling, reading in the sun. The rest of the day was working, cleaning, and doing stuff. At home of course. The Italy lockdown continues.
Tuesday, April 7 - I didn't have a lot of motivation to workout today although. I needed a new ramp test on TrainerRoad though because I swapped my tri bike for my road bike. 30mins total on the trainer and my FTP didn't change. I think I could have worked harder... I did a short ST session after and mowed the yard. A very quiet (read lonely) day at home. I did have a work meeting, so at least had conversation. But Luca worked into the night (flying) so. Yup. Just me and Jake.
BIKE 30mins + ST Session (short)
Wednesday, April 8 - I'm feeling a little lazy. I think the UGH of all this lockdown stuff is starting to weigh on me. I attempted to run but I was BORED OUT OF MIND - probably because I ran 13.1 miles back and forth on Sunday. I managed 2 or so miles - I don't even know and then did a home workout from Vshred. I need to get out of this house. And preferably for a LONG RUN.
RUN 2 miles + Home Workout

Thursday, April 9 - 45mins on the KickR (there was no Q! I had to skip to an R). Little grocery store adventure today. Just 40mins waiting in line! It's now mandatory for us to wear masks if we're out. "Out" however, is still not allowed. Grocery only!!
BIKE 45mins + Home Workout

Friday, April 10 - up early to head to Camp Darby today (I'm getting base access ID card, which I found out later doesn't actually permit me to use the NEX or Exchange - WTH batman!?). Later, a little adventure along the canal (don't worry, it runs alongside our house, we were never far!).
Saturday, April 11 - Ironman VR2 - 3km run, 40km bike, 10k run - the back and forth (running) is making me MENTAL!!
RUN 13km (8 miles) + BIKE 40km (25 miles)

Sunday, April 12 - Happy Easter!! This is a first...Easter in quarantine. Luca and I took a quiet day, alone, home, together - grilled some meat and drank some beers. We did a little photo session (I need professional pics), played with Jake, and watched a scary (stupid) movie. And always, KISSES!
BIKE 30mins + ST Session (short)
Wednesday, April 8 - I'm feeling a little lazy. I think the UGH of all this lockdown stuff is starting to weigh on me. I attempted to run but I was BORED OUT OF MIND - probably because I ran 13.1 miles back and forth on Sunday. I managed 2 or so miles - I don't even know and then did a home workout from Vshred. I need to get out of this house. And preferably for a LONG RUN.
RUN 2 miles + Home Workout

Thursday, April 9 - 45mins on the KickR (there was no Q! I had to skip to an R). Little grocery store adventure today. Just 40mins waiting in line! It's now mandatory for us to wear masks if we're out. "Out" however, is still not allowed. Grocery only!!
BIKE 45mins + Home Workout

Friday, April 10 - up early to head to Camp Darby today (I'm getting base access ID card, which I found out later doesn't actually permit me to use the NEX or Exchange - WTH batman!?). Later, a little adventure along the canal (don't worry, it runs alongside our house, we were never far!).
Saturday, April 11 - Ironman VR2 - 3km run, 40km bike, 10k run - the back and forth (running) is making me MENTAL!!
RUN 13km (8 miles) + BIKE 40km (25 miles)

Sunday, April 12 - Happy Easter!! This is a first...Easter in quarantine. Luca and I took a quiet day, alone, home, together - grilled some meat and drank some beers. We did a little photo session (I need professional pics), played with Jake, and watched a scary (stupid) movie. And always, KISSES!