Ironman Italy Week 2
RUN WEEK!! If you're one of my athletes you know I love theme weeks :D So (since I'm limited to pool access) I've designated this week a run theme week...
Monday, May 15 - started a run exploring my new land and ended up on a giant hill. So I kinda ran/walked/hiked the first part and finished with 1:15 but not so many miles. It was a tough run though! Later, HIIT with Luca and stairs. We also delivered by bike to the local shop for fixing.
Tuesday, May 16 - after a morning/mid-day/afternoon of working, I ran to the bike shop to pick up my bike and Luca picked us up. It was HOT and a pretty dangerous road. I felt like I was playing chicken with cars. Eeek! House hunting all evening ~ exhausting!
Wednesday, May 17 - I had big goals to go try to swim in the sea. I got wrapped up with adoption work and worked all day. Before I knew it, Luca was home and we had to hit the grocery before he headed to Milan. I did nothing :/
Thursday, May 18 - started the day with a Jake walk, 25mins. Worked through the morning and into the afternoon but needed that run. A sweaty 45 mins and found 3 houses for rent. Score! Finished off my day with a near 90mins on the trainer. Excellent!!
BIKE (trainer)
Friday, May 19 - another morning walk with Jake, 30mins. Even though a rainy and chilly morning, I biked to Marina di Carrara to look at a few properties available. All were no's. But I got a good 60mins on the bike.

Saturday, May 20 - long walk with Jake. I should mention that our walks include a giant hill that we climb then crazy long stairs that we descend and have to ascend back up, then down the big hill. It's a GREAT workout!! Got a 1 hour spin on the trainer and a 40min brick run.
Sunday, May 21 - and house hunting day! I kept meaning to get my 2.5 hour run but it kept getting delayed w/new houses to see. And our's the one! YAY!!! We move in tomorrow! And I'm going to do my long run tomorrow too!!
I'm a bit frustrated with myself. I feel like I'm slacking in my training and I don't understand why. Well one, I haven't found anywhere to swim yet. So that hasn't happened in weeks. GRR!!! But I need to get my ass in gear, FOR REAL!

Monday, May 15 - started a run exploring my new land and ended up on a giant hill. So I kinda ran/walked/hiked the first part and finished with 1:15 but not so many miles. It was a tough run though! Later, HIIT with Luca and stairs. We also delivered by bike to the local shop for fixing.
Tuesday, May 16 - after a morning/mid-day/afternoon of working, I ran to the bike shop to pick up my bike and Luca picked us up. It was HOT and a pretty dangerous road. I felt like I was playing chicken with cars. Eeek! House hunting all evening ~ exhausting!
Wednesday, May 17 - I had big goals to go try to swim in the sea. I got wrapped up with adoption work and worked all day. Before I knew it, Luca was home and we had to hit the grocery before he headed to Milan. I did nothing :/
Thursday, May 18 - started the day with a Jake walk, 25mins. Worked through the morning and into the afternoon but needed that run. A sweaty 45 mins and found 3 houses for rent. Score! Finished off my day with a near 90mins on the trainer. Excellent!!
BIKE (trainer)
Friday, May 19 - another morning walk with Jake, 30mins. Even though a rainy and chilly morning, I biked to Marina di Carrara to look at a few properties available. All were no's. But I got a good 60mins on the bike.

Saturday, May 20 - long walk with Jake. I should mention that our walks include a giant hill that we climb then crazy long stairs that we descend and have to ascend back up, then down the big hill. It's a GREAT workout!! Got a 1 hour spin on the trainer and a 40min brick run.
Sunday, May 21 - and house hunting day! I kept meaning to get my 2.5 hour run but it kept getting delayed w/new houses to see. And our's the one! YAY!!! We move in tomorrow! And I'm going to do my long run tomorrow too!!
I'm a bit frustrated with myself. I feel like I'm slacking in my training and I don't understand why. Well one, I haven't found anywhere to swim yet. So that hasn't happened in weeks. GRR!!! But I need to get my ass in gear, FOR REAL!