Week 4 is a wrap! #accountability

Monday July 30, 2018 - there isn't much of me that wants to do anything today! I was up at 3am until 5am ~ checking Ohio 70.3, chatting with Steph, and just being awake. I finally fell back to sleep but up with Luca to start the day. I passed on my swim and got some work caught up instead.
This isn't ideal or standard practice for me but I had to listen to my body.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 1 hour am run (5.4 miles) + 1 hour pm run (5.5 miles) w/a day of shopping w/my girls in between.
RUN (double)
Wednesday, Aug 1, 2018 - I attempted to leave the house multiple times...anxiety was high. I don't know what was happening... but I left long enough to botch an open water swim in Lerici. And I was in bed by 7pm. I guess I needed it!!
Thursday, Aug 2, 2018 - out for a 1 hour run but cut it short at 4 miles. Hot as balls this morning!! 4,000 meter swim to follow. I feel much better today.
Friday, Aug 3, 2018 - 1 hour on the trainer today and I skipped a swim.
BIKE (trainer)
Saturday, Aug 4, 2018 - long bike today. Shot out for 106 miles but the heat and traffic grew (and all my plans went to shit) so I was done at 94 miles. The good news is my legs and butt were fine. Its wasn't the distance that got me, it was the heat and traffic. And being frustrated.
Anyway, biked 3 hours to Livorno, met Luca, and blah blah shit show, ride done.
Hiked to the creek w/the pup later (I often consider this my brick because it's a tough 20min hike and then climbing around the rocks/creek).
Sunday, Aug 5, 2018 - 17.4 mile a.m. run + 3.74 mile p.m. run (15mins warm up + 8 x 30sec HARD w/60sec recovery, cd to distance) - tough "break through" run. Did it though!! I was a bit late getting started so it got pretty hot but today was a BE DETERMINED sorta day.
RUN (double)
Weekly Totals:
Swim x 1 x 4,000 meters
Bike x 2 x 110 miles
Run x 5 x 36 miles
Looking at this week as a whole doesn't seem like as much as last week or the week before, but it sure feels like it!! And missing a few workouts shows it. My TP looks like a rainbow!
I can feel that I'm peaking out and/but I have one more big week ahead of me before taper. This will be my shortest taper time for an Ironman. I'm pretty nervous about that but I have to TRUST the training!