If You Never Tri, You'll Never Know!

Lucky # 10


Double digits. How did I even get here? It's only been 4 years. 4 years, 10 Ironman. And by the end of this year, with all hard work, 12. Wow. I feel lucky and tired. Ha ha. Yes, very tired. I actually took two whole days off because I just feel tired. (PMS probably has a bit to do with this tiredness as well)...

I won't let up, that's for sure. My body feels good. My mind feels great. My heart and soul and passion are still on fire... I love this.

It's funny, I remember when I was signing up for Ironman #3, an old friend and I were discussing how many Ironman sounded like enough? 2 x Ironman, 3 x Ironman, 9 x Ironman. We laughed that 9 sounded pretty bad ass and 10 sounded weeny. 10 x Ironman. But now I read it as TEN TIME IRONMAN. Big and bold and WOW. That's 24 miles of swimming, 1120 miles of biking, and 262 miles of running ~ JUST for the races. The training, you can quadruple all that! I wonder how many Honey Stinger Waffles I've eaten. Or how many jars of peanut butter. I wonder how many Ibuprofen I've eaten, ha ha!!

I have put so much of everything into being able to do this.
I feel very lucky. And very excited for California, Ironman Vineman, lucky #10...